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March 2014: New: Using SharedHashMap
Multi-tenancy JVMs and Frameworks Tool Page
Garbage Collector Log Analysers Tool Page
June 2012: Jack Shirazi tells you what garbage collectors and garbage collector combinations are available from the Oracle Java 7 update 4 JVM
May 2012: Jack Shirazi tells you how to access the GC notifications newly available from Java 7 update 4
Cartoon: Improve performance by reducing application space and time
Cartoon: Use the latest evolution of your JVM
Cartoon: Measure that your change actually fixes the bottleneck
Cartoon: Sizing the generations is the most important tuning option
Cartoon: More abstraction gives better performance ... eventually
Cartoon: Evolve performance by adopting industry best practices
Cartoon: Use priority queueing to prevent delays
Cartoon: Flattening objects can reduce garbage
Cartoon: Profilers often disagree with each other
Cartoon: Go for the easy performance targets first
Cartoon: The out of the box configuration is rarely optimal for performance
Cartoon: Slow garbage collection inspires the invention of multi-core processors
Cartoon: Measure service times to highlight slow servers
Cartoon: The IllegalAccessException
Cartoon: The ClassNotFoundException
Cartoon: Where the application spends its time
Cartoon: Database connection pools can fix connection leaks
Cartoon: Use collections correctly
Cartoon: Synchronize to avoid race conditions
Cartoon: Faster startup from the disk sweet spot
Cartoon: Multi-threading code
Cartoon: Guard your log messages
Cartoon: Understanding Escape Analysis
Cartoon: Concurrency vs. Parallelism
Cartoon: Avoiding remote calls
Cartoon: Synchronizing methods can slow them down
Cartoon: A profiler profiling
Cartoon: Locks protecting single fields can often be replaced by making the field volatile
Cartoon: Avoiding locks
Cartoon: Understanding reference types
Cartoon: Avoiding long pauses by the garbage collector
Cartoon: Just-in-time compilation
Cartoon: Detecting deadlocks
Cartoon: Caching remote objects
October 2008: Jack Shirazi details Five Lessons That Life Holds For Performance Tuning
Cartoon: Dumping heap on an out of memory error
August 2008: Kirk Pepperdine details the expected benefits of Sun's new "Garbage First (G1)" garbage collector.
July 2008: Kirk Pepperdine reviews Emily Halili's book "Apache JMeter".
Cartoon: Do not allocate memory during the main game loop
May 2008: Kirk Pepperdine tells us about the performance session highspots at JavaOne: corestat, fork-join & how to load balance using dequeues, a lockless fully concurrent HashMap that scales to hundreds of cores, and the G1 garbage collector.
April 2008: Kirk Pepperdine interviews Joe Walker on the advantages of DWR, and on load testing Javascript
March 2008: Kirk Pepperdine interviews Dan Diephouse on XML performance
January 2008: Java Performance Review Of 2007. Jack Shirazi reviews the Java performance trends and newsworthy items from 2007.
December 2007: What people were looking for in Java performance in 2007. Using well over a million page views by over 100 000 people from our sites, we get an idea of what our readership were looking for in 2007. And to avoid suspense, "volatile" seems to have been flavor of the year.
November 2007: The Secret Life Of The Finalizer. Jack Shirazi looks into exactly what the JVM does when you create a finalizable object and then have it garbage collected. And it is surprisingly bizarre at times.
Profiler's Cartoons: We've added all Profiler's old cartoons, and a new one too
September 2007: Optimising Regular Expression Processing. Jack Shirazi looks at optimizing the performance of java.util.regex regular expressions.
August 2007: Javascript Performance. Kirk Pepperdine is asked to examine Javascript and AJAX performance, and looks at all the performance aspects including memory and network impact.
July 2007: Cray Reminiscences. Kirk Pepperdine's attendence of AMD's performance talk at JavaOne produced a cascade of fascinating memories about Cray optimizations.
June 2007: Writing A Technical Book: Is It Worthwhile? Jack Shirazi, the author of the successful book 'Java Performance Tuning', discusses some basic considerations for you to mull over if you are ever thinking about writing your technical book."
May 2007: Su Doku Solving Efficiency. In this article Jack Shirazi considers how efficient the rules he uses for Su Doku solving are and, in the process, finds that he falls into the usual benchmarking traps. And he's surprised at how far simple rules get you.
April 2007: Kirk Pepperdine, interviews Ron Bodkin of Glassbox, Glassbox are the primary motivators for Glassbox the open source automated troubleshooting and monitoring agent for Java apps.
March 2007: The APM Score. Calculate your performance management score and see how much more there is to do. Here Jack Shirazi covers the details needed to make your performance management topnotch.
February 2007: Hotpatching A Java Application. How to fix arbitrary code-level problems in a running application without terminating that application. Here Jack Shirazi covers the basics of how to hotpatch a Java 6 application
Last Updated: 2025-01-31
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